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Free PDF Image Extractor is a freeware that can be used to convert PDF files into JPEG images. Even though the PDF has grown in stature during the years, one of the main disadvantages when it comes to a PDF file is the inability to use only a certain page according to your needs. In the case of a Word file, one can simply choose the desired page and separate it out from the rest. This is not possible in the case of the PDF file unless you have the Free PDF Image Extractor in your hand. This software will allow you to extract the information contained within the PDF file into an image.

Free PDF Image Extractor是一款免费软件,可用于将PDF文件转换为JPEG图像。 尽管PDF在这些年来一直在成长,但PDF文件的主要缺点之一是无法根据您的需要仅使用某个页面。 在Word文件的情况下,可以简单地选择所需的页面并将其与其他页面分开。 这是不可能的情况下的PDF文件,除非你有免费的PDF图像提取器在你的手。 该软件将允许您将PDF文件中包含的信息提取到图像中。


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